3 Colors Change - The light color of led light faucet is blue when the water temperature is below 32 degrees. The light shows green,when the water temperature is between 33 to 41 degrees. It will display the red when the water temperature is between 42 to 45 degrees. the light flashing red when the water temperature is higher than 46 degrees.
No Need Battery - This led faucet water light has mini built-in generating electricity devices, no need of batteries, as long as the water flow it will give out light, turn off the water, the light goes out immediately. The color changes according to the water temperature.
with Adapter - The product is externally threaded connector with internally threaded adapter. Adapter can make the product suitable for a variety of faucet interface.
Save Water - The product has excellent water conservation function, and connected at the top with the water-saving filter.
Package Includes - 2 X LED water faucet light (Temperature Control,Internal diameter: 0.6 inch. External thread diameter: 0.86 inch.)